Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The two things that have come vividly into focus since I found out I was pregnant a.) I work in TV, and b.) get paid like I work in TV. I vividly remember my first TV class at the University of Florida. Dr. Pactor walked in and the first thing he said was "Be prepared to make 12 thousand dollars your first year, that is if you actually get a job." I remember thinking to myself "as long as I love what I do, I'll be ok with making next to nothing." Sadly that is the only thing I remember from his class. I sat in the back and was way too into my high heeled "future TV superstar" self to pay much attention. I look back on 19 year old me, and think "wow" I was so young and naive. As I sit here now, pregnant with my first child, all I can think is "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"

Needless to say I did not become a TV superstar. But I am one of the few people who ended up in TV. After a brief stint in NYC I moved back to my college town to work a local ABC affiliate. Those are both very long stories for another time. At the moment I spend most of my free time adding up how much money it's going to cost once this little monkey comes out. I don't know that TV is baby cost friendly.